Wednesday, May 10, 2006

It’s raining… 5/10
No big deal you say. Some spots are getting a lot of it, We (northern Wisconsin) are not. For about 6 years the North Country has been relatively dry. By dry I mean our annual winter snowfall has been a fraction that it was in the pass thirty too forty years. Winter is when we get most of the moisture that fills our ponds and lakes.

Years back there were times when you just couldn’t keep up with the white stuff. The museum has pictures of the snow line at roof eves. Also our springs haven’t had those week/daily downpours. I remember as a kid asking mother Roz " When is it ever going to stop raining?

Our small lake is a good 19 to 20" below its average height and a good 30 to 36" inches from the high water mark. There are rocks and boulders showing at the surface where in the pass you’d speed right over them without thinking about your prop and boat bottom. So the question my learned friends is who took the water? Where did it go?

Even the ground water in our well has dropped leaving a high iron content. Some fellow, a marine scientist a few years back can up with a handle "El Nino". He claims the change of weather patterns is due to the raise and fall of surface temperatures in the Pacific Ocean, a shifting of the currents.

Then again there is man’s messing up the environment. Just breathing pollutes the atmosphere especially some of the language I’ve heard. So spring is here… a time for April showers…but once again we didn’t get one and here we are in mid May and the DNR has fire alerts out. The whole north wood is a tinderbox, poof up in smoke it could go.

I got up morning to the wonderful sound of rain on the roof. What it means is that the remaining items on the get it done BUD! list (the outside ones) will just have to wait. Time for a good book, blanket and the sofa…


At 8:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sure the Mrs. could easily come up with some indoor tasks for your honey-do list. Hope you're well hidden under that blanket.

At 11:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why is it that today's posted blog conjures up visual images of Dagwood Bumstead?

At 5:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dagwood's wife was a blonde. Obviously Miss Nancy is gar too intelligent to be a blonde. Our weather service calls for 7 days of rain. Course, then again, they have called for it the last three days and nary a drop. I was asked to test the new long, speedy, full of hot air and soon to have a 150 hp motor installed floating Hunt boat next week but have a in-law wedding that I forgot about. I also heard that even with low water the Narrows my be dangerous for pontooon boats not loaded with people, fishing equipment, ice and Captain Morgan. I have passed on the responsibility to Bosun Bud. Avast there matey! Batten down your hatches and -- don't forget to put in the stop plug before shoving off.

At 7:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now let me remind you that in 1959 the lakes were so low that we beached boats rather than dock them. A similar pattern occurred in 1988-89 with fixed docks so high that you could make the Century Club with a hop dock.

Now as to snow, how many blog entries from you complaining about snow and snow plowing over the past winter?


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