Friday, January 19, 2007

Pull up a chair 1/19

Last fall I did three years of cutting and splitting. I got way ahead of the game. We were more than ready for this year’s freeze out. We had doubts about cold weather but shouldn’t have. Finally it’s here, nightly fires and daily wood hauls. However, there is one problem hauling wood into the cabin; it’s our dog who must be a center of things.

We got this neat canvas wood hauler and you can really load it up almost to the point where your back goes every morning I haul in three loads of nightly fire. To do so I’ve got two sets of steps and two doors to maneuver through all the while our springer is completely under foot. Add some ice, a lot of ice under foot, and a dog who thinks its her duty a haul in a wood stick as well a stick of wood and it’s a juggling act all on a new metal knee. It’s amazing that I’ve only hit the deck on several occasions.

Yet it all worth the effort. I light a fire get it roaring, grab a book head to the sofa with blanket in one hand and heating pad in the other. Then in my fourth hand I have a J&B on the rocks, cheers.

Today’s thought… " Natural beauty is enhanced by the distance from home."


At 7:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wew know, we know. Who could forget those lengthy diatribes about the cheap chain saw versus the quality chain saw, the chainsaw that wouldn't work, the chainsaw that killed those six kids lost in the van - oops that was an old slasher movie.

A couple of words for your consideration - leash and chain. These will keep Katie the booze hound from getting underfoot, potentially tripping you and possible damage to the wood.

Or perhaps you could just bring in the lumber when Katie is on her daily trips to Whitmans.


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