Thursday, February 22, 2007

The last one… 2/23

Bye –bye. This morning we are out the door. The car is packed and we are headed to the dog motel to drop off the mutt for two plus weeks - then are headed south. This blog site will be unattended down and out for two weeks.

I’d take along our laptop and down load daily blogs along the way but that would be a lot of extra work and besides we don’t own one. I can’t even get our desktop to work properly, what’s a laptop anyway? Something to dance on? So, I will be absence from this post and you will just have to make do reading the morning paper or suffering through the morning TV talks shows.

I have a bag full of novels and a blank journal that I intend to open once or twice noting red neck material as we roll along. All will not be lost in our absence for I programmed our VCR to record DR. PHIL and DR. RUTH…but not JUDGE Judy? No, she’s too pushy.

Any way I bid you farewell till mid March.

Today’s thought,
" If your credit card company screws up your account – the only way out is to move to Minsk, Belarus change your name to Tomas Brownski and take a job working for rubbles in an institution of low learning."

A parting shot, " Today, if you are not confused,
you’re not thinking clearly."


At 1:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You all can take a snow day..on the house..before the roof gives way due to the snow load.

At 8:53 AM, Blogger Up North said...

the snow birds are taking a left turn out of Omaha... heading west not south, a change of plans. I mean you can't plan things too far out in advance or the snow load will cave in the roof.

Try checking in at the airport with sunblock 40. it's a gel and you're history. More from the road later...


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