Monday, February 12, 2007

-20 and kicking butt? 2/12
There just has to be a relationship between global warming and 2 weeks of bun busting cold weather. Having been a passenger on the good ship Earth for 60 plus years, but who’s counting, I’ve come to a conclusion…. Newton was right. Ralph Newton; he was the neighborhood bully who proved that there is a relationship between ‘cause and effect’.

After school each day he’d pick out a target and then go beat the crap out of a kid. This got to be pretty trying especially if you were his target on multiple days or were very slow afoot. This also got several of us thinking…a very dangerous thing. So we applied what our teacher had told us about World War II. Here a couple of bullies were pickin’ on some small guys France and England and China, beating the crap out of them. Our teacher told us about told strength in numbers about the Allied Nations.

So a bunch of us grouped together to confront this a-hole. I had happened to bring along a small 2x4 in my coat. The confrontation got a little ugly for Ralph Newton was a giant but then my 2x4 went into action. The lesson here could be applied to our weather problems.

First is to realize the crap is being beaten out of you, second is that there is strength in numbers and third is to make sure you have a 2x4 along. Yes we have a problem, the only way to fix it is for all nations be players and third is to use a 2x4 which is a thing called trade - shape up, work together or you are cut off, sounds like my wife.

This includes us, we bite the bullet, no big deal, so things cost a little more at least we’ll be around to complain about the weather and the bullies down the block.
Cut off is what my mother told me about my allowance after nailing the Ralph on the head with the 2x4, of course most mom’s never had to deal with bullies just prom formals.

Today’s thought, "Power tends to corrupt
and absolute power corrupts absolutely, use a bigger 2x4"


At 3:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ralph Newton's real nickname was Fig and he was a woooos. That 2x4 was swung wildly and hit Howard causing permanent damage that left him with not other direction than a right to left oval. The bears and the bulls went up and down, Indy and Nascar go right to left oval. Such were the days in Davenport. Hmmmm.. What color prom attire did the twins wera? Dink? Daffodill? Red? Purple? C'mon....

At 1:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I did know a Coleman ever was invited to a prom. Notice the invited.


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