Monday, January 29, 2007

Book Club… 1/29

Once a month a group of ladies get together and review a book that they all have read for the month. Sounds exciting? NO? then let’s go bowling or something that will raise your heart beats a notch or two. Back to the ladies group, there are approximately 12 ladies in the group and Rosebud is one of them. This group rotates between houses and you can see where this is headed. Right, this month was Rosebud’s to host and all gals were to gathered at our place.

For the last eleven months I could find things in our cabin. Gloves, caps, eyeglasses, - you name it, I could usually find it. But now it’s book club time. Rosebud made a mad dash to stuff things away. She was trying to make the place like something out of Better Homes and Gardens, impossible.

So for a week we have been stuffing and hiding things away. To most people this would be easy. Not here for our little cabin for it is just that, little. I.E. is my chest of drawers. If I were to hurriedly open it without knowing, the "stuff" inside would explode out if it and be all over the room.

Of course I am excepted to vacate to premises on book club day and only return when the last car is well out the drive. So here’s the question…should I ask for equal time? Maybe a poker night with the boys? or a monthly pool league of the old farts? But please don’t come to me with the idea of a snow shoe group outing – that’s too heart healthy.

Today’s thought, " When stupidity is a sufficient explanation,
there is no need to have recourse to any other."

Come on you guys…I need additional one liners…
thanks Mrs. J for yours, let’s hear a few from you other Einstein’s.


At 12:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have news - poker nite with the boys is not equal time. And here's why: the ladies don't leave anything that could in the very least be considered a mess behind them when they leave. Consider what would be the residue from poker night. Yup, the little lady would be cleaning up big time all over again. So you say, "But she wouldn't have to clean prior to them coming!" The response to that is - oh, yes she would 'cuz that's the way it works in the (well organized and detailed) mind of a woman. And that's the kind of mindset that would put you on the losing end of any discussion on that matter.


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