Monday, January 22, 2007

It’s Out cold… 1/22
ZZZZZZZZZZ, I was sound asleep Saturday early AM and I mean early. Then there came a buzzzzing.

In my fog I had had plenty thought of green fairways and sand beaches. The buzzing continued. Then there came a barking from downstairs. Buzzzzing and barking what in the world was happening on this dark cold morning?

So I got out of bed hobbled downstairs and let the dog out in the dark morning while the now louder buzzzy continued. Then the lights went on both upstairs and out side. " It’s ice fishing season, stupid." Out on the ice our springer just had to raise hell with five guys who had park right outside our window and were drilling holes in the ice a snowball’s throw from our home.
On of them was a neighbor from down the shoreline and the other four I didn’t have a clue. They were bundle up in snow gear and fur hats. You’d think that common courtesy would enter the minds esp. for our neighbor, but NO!

So now I am planning revenge. I can either…
Water Ski at 2 am in the morning (bad idea)...
Cut my lawn at midnight (this spring)...
Start chain sawing at 5 am (due unto others, first)...
Yet there are many others neighbors on the lake that I don’t want to offend so for now I will bite my lip and TP their home and yard later.

Today’s thought,
" Let us endeavor so to live that when we come to die
even the undertaker will be sorry." Mark Twain


At 8:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Try dynamiting some stumps which should rattle a few of his windows.

or try fine tuning your snowmobile with the muffler off.

Or you could invite him over for a Friday fish fry (byo) and bury the hacket in his skull.

At 7:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Start your chainsaw? You were dreaming. Now if you would have purchased a fine quality one that might have been more than a delusional hallucination.
Remember, you don't have to let the other neighbors know it is you gaining revenge. You can do quiet things as well. A liberal coating of vaseline or other suitable lubricant on a set of treacherous steps (don't forget to do the handrail as well) is always a side splitter.........


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