Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Pay the barber and smile? 1/24

There is something under my winter fur trooper cap and summer golf caps… a bare skinhead.
Yes, a bald chrome dome that transmits chills down to my toes. Baldness is passed on by our dear mothers. Bless you mother for a have sinned. Every morning in the mirror I am face to face with reality. Each morning there seems to be a little less of me to take care of.

I can only see two plus to this human condition. You use a lot less shampoo and your hair brush dies of neglect. At one point each fellow who starts losing it, stops and take a second look and the wheels start turning. We hustle over to Walgreens for a quick fix of Rogaine but its only a short term fix to a long term problem, a chrome dome. There is no stopping Mother Nature nor the ill effects of gravity. The waistline bulge is the other thing that’s usually passed along thanks to our pops.

In my closet I have jeans with three different waist lines 40, 38 and 36 inch. I feel like one of those adjustable mortgages. My jeans change sizes with the seasons. First there is 'lettus' season which is spring. It’s the real shock how tight the jeans with the 40" waist are so out comes the lettus diet and daily work outs at the fitness center. By June it's still tight fitting into a 38" waist. It takes most of the summer of working out - walking, golfing and swimming to squeak into a pair of 36" jeans. But then comes Brat/Beer time, tit’s fall and the cycle starts all over again.

Now back the hair problem...I gotten all over it, really.
The only thing the grinds me is forking over $15 bucks to the barber when it takes only two minutes to buzzz the sideburns.

Thought for the day, "Don’t ask a barber if you need a hair cut."


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