Friday, January 26, 2007

Previous on 24….. it’s back… 1/26

We’ve waited since last May to find out what happened to Jack Bauer. All we had to do was to go back to season three. It’s the same deal. They’ve only flipped flopped a few actors but the tag line is still the same

"Previously last year on 24". It’s the same deal, some radicals swipe a nuke and set it off in L.A. You’d think the producers would get pissst at the writers. They are giving us the same old plot packed in a the same corn beef hash can and it still sales? You’d think they invent something new, spend a few extra bucks and send to crew to Oakland, Newark, Shreveport or Death Moines. Ant of these would be a better plot line. You know, add a little color to the show.

Then there is Jack Bauer’s, what a maroon! You think he’d just be a little tired of with nit-wites he’s working for. Of course he’s trying to pretend this is the real thing, your know it all our government in action stepping on it’s toes. So there it is, one for the better shows on TV falling off the book shelf into the waste basket. It’s a sad state for on the other channels there is zip as well. I’ve thought about taking up sowing or writing TV plots.

Today's thought, " Almost any man worth his salt will fight to defend his home, but no one has heard of a man going to war to defend for his apartment."


At 1:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This will come as a tremendous shock but there are those amongst us who (while they may know who Jack Bauer is) doesn't approach the show 24 with the fervor of a Biafran refugee at an Old Country Buffet.

Now, if they did include garden spots such as Newark and Shreveport that might change the interest - nah.

If you are going to take up "sowing" you will need to wait for the ground to thaw. Then there's that pesky reaping......

Jack Bauer

At 9:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jack Bauer has come out of his closet in an attempt to villify one of the finest bloggers in Hazelhurst. His father, one of the greatest actors ever must be completely embarassed. The courtyards down in New Orleans will still exist!! And, I don't care

At 9:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jack Bauer has come out of his closet in an attempt to villify one of the finest bloggers in Hazelhurst. His father, one of the greatest actors ever must be completely embarassed. The courtyards down in New Orleans will still exist!! And, I don't care

At 7:57 AM, Blogger Up North said...

Who double blogged? Plz, it's very had keeping you guys in order!

At 5:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

two words:



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