Thursday, January 25, 2007

Advice…. 1/25
keep your head down and swing as hard as you can

Late fall one of the guys came up to me in the golf shop and told me he was headed to an island in South Carolina. I knew he and his daughter had one thing in mind, golf. They both loved the game. I happened to ask which island and he said Hilton Head….bingo, a small world.

The lights went on for during our early years Rosebud and I drove our young family down to the to Hilton Head Island in the spring. We’d spend time walking the beaches and hitting little round white things into channels and sand traps. I had known the lay of the land back then. Yet, time changes things and I was hesitant to give him advice. However, I did give him some suggestions...which he did ask for!

Last night he called and was still on a high about the trip that they had just returned from. He gave me big thanks and said they were going back next year. That did it, just reinforced that fact that I do happen to know a thing or two even though Rosebud thinks the opposite.

So for all of you that in the past that I have given advice that went unheeded. Tough, for in the future if you ask for advice from Doctor Phil it’s going to cost you, two beers and a lollypop.

Today’s golf foursome was submitted by the Huntser:

It’s a hooker, a slicer, a driver over water, and one that doesn’t know one hole from the next …. Monica, OJ, Teddy K, Bill Clinton


At 11:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I bet this guy is going to try to sell you a piece of Hilton Head at the very least. Beware!

At 2:01 PM, Blogger Up North said...

It's the same guy that a bought my 1961 Volvo from... buyer beware

At 3:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That zI441x is sure a nice person to say such kind things about your blog - especially this one. You are just like Lowell Thomas in passing on travel info and nuances for key treks. Now people will travel with a Robin-tik instead of the old, standby AAA Trip-Tik. Or is that a lunatic? Heretic?

Saying of the day - "If Helen Keller is walking alone through the woods and falls down would she make a noise?"

At 4:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now that my new keyboard is finally installed, I am able to view things from "Up North" again. Hilton Head was a lot nicer then than it is now .. course so was Paris! (Hilton that is) Am waiting to find out if An Iowan and a Wisconsn/Indianan/Iowan/Illini will find the Jolly Jolie area as much fun as it was two years ago. Please do not continue to blame the stint/bypass/knee/shoulder and jaw problems on the air pollution in this area. Toodles


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