Thursday, February 01, 2007

What’s the spread? 2/2

I keep hearing it. What is a spread? It could be a cheese dip, or a salada. Then every time we go to someone’s open house Rosebud whips up a spread and give it to the hostess but I know that’s not what people are talking about especially on big game days? So what is a spread? I heard of spread eagles, they do them in the X-games as kids fly off ski ramps.
I even think I did one off a water ski jump… but a spread?

I recall walking through a Vegas Casino and some guys were talking about beating it. Peanut butter is a thing that’s beaten into a spread. But not everyone would be talking about peanut butter theses days. Then there is the thing Rosebud accuses me of and that’s hogging the bed spread at night.

This AM I had Sports Center on TV and two clowns were discussing the game spread.
Now were talking I thought. The point difference in a football game has got to be what’s hot right now. The Colts by 5? Whose kidding who? We are talking the Bears here.

But no matter how you spin the thing it’s still only a football game or is it? So that’s the spread and I didn’t even get to the thing called another name, the line, what ever that is.

Today's thought,
" In war, victory goes to those armies whose
leaders uniforms are the least impressive."


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