Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Quarters and halfs 1/30

Football games are in quarters, basketball games are also in quarters or were and there are four quarters in a dollar. A year is divided into four quarters or properly said, seasons.

Take 365 days in a year and divided by four equals 91.25555555 days per season. Its simple math but just somehow the seasons don’t come out equal. Look at the calandar, it got 12 months - divided by 4 gives you three. Three months to a season? Right? Wrong!

I’ve become an Einstein fan and his theory about his relatives now seems full of holes. However, he proved that the longer realtives stayin his your home, time dose expanded. When they leave time contracts. It the same with where you park your rear-end. If it’s in a nice warm climate, time flys. But if its cold, dark and feels like the wrong side of the moon time actually drags.

Mother nature affixed in all of us our own Einstein clock. Its speed is equated with our comfort zone. It’s like those guys in India who walk on hot coals. Why in the hell do they walk so slow? I’d be hell bend on fire racing for the nearest ice bucket. This is just an example of an instant of time, whereas winter is a mega instance.

So as we approach the time of the year we come face to face with this time problem , the subject of my favorite movie, "Ground Hog Day". I just hope that someone has that 4 legged fur ball for dinner, as the main course that is.

One liner of the day, "Always do right,
this will gradify some people & astonish the rest."


At 7:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

But did you compute this based on a leap year? Everybody know about the theory of relativity but few know about the theory of relative humidity which is a concept from Arkansas - persperation resulting from close relatives having sex.

By the way, that was awful what you said about dining on groundhog. Despite all the rumors doesn't taste like chicken. Groundhog is "the other yellow meat".

Punxsutawney Phil

At 5:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

And why is it always 7:15 in the am, the time you have to drag your buns out of a warm bed.


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