Friday, February 02, 2007

It’s big, really big… 2/2

I’ll be out of the country the next four days, just like congress I’ll be on a junket to a foreign country, Illinois, bear hunting. Bear hunting is like deer hunting you' re looking for the biggest spread, a raBoon and Crockett thing.

It’s getting close to the big game wherein America’s leading corporations spend million $ on creating adds that will leave some type of impression. Then the client spend billions $ buying time within the big game betting on the come. In marketing 101 I was taught that job number one was to sale a product or a service.

As Mr. Brown would say in his youth.."product turn, get it off the shelf." Now the ad agencies have whitewashed the clients into "to hell with product, it’s an image we are after." They’ve even taken it a step further so that by the end of the multi million TV ad we have no clue who they are.

I can’t say that I remember one commercial from past Super Bowls. I take that back. I remember Janet Jackson had a planned ops, it wasn’t a commercial however, she did have a new CD hot off the presses. And what else was she selling? Flesh or arm pit deodorant? Here we go again... it’s time for big commercials and you can’t get any bigger that some Clyde Dale horses playing football with a zebra ref.

It 3rd and 3 on the Indy 26 yard line, Chicago’s drive is now interrupted with "and now a word from Jell-O." There was a time when the game counted. But now it an hour and half of the best of Prince, the artist previously known as James Brown, and his all male review half time show.

I’ll leave you with today’s thought ,
" Systems run better when designed to run down hill. "
Just ask JJ or Chris.


At 4:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gear heads do not deserve to live in a barn, even if it is not theirs. Happy Birthday to the older Cman. Wonder what he was doing in Green Bay. Hmmm.... as he would say "that is a very good question"


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