Friday, February 09, 2007

Indoor golf 2/8
I know some of you think outdoor golf is a waste of time, but indoor golf ?
I know the thought... "You got to be pretty hard up to waste part of a winter weekend trying to hit golf balls indoors." True , but what else is there when it’s –20? It’s not like you can go out and work in the garden.

I know of a guy who purchased an airline ticket to the coast departing in the am and returned in the pm just to have something to do. He called post football season - withdraw. But indoor golf is better than sitting around the house screaming at the wife and kicking the dog.

The only problem was that for a friendly game I had to drive to the it's nearest location, Chicago, . This type of golf isn’t just a driving range, no, no… it’s a booth with a computer projector which allows you to play the "big" courses. Pebble or the Islands, you name it, it’s available for $45 buck per hour per player. Stiff? a little but they also have bell hops on roller skates bring you Morgan’s and Coke.

After the 4th hole and the 4th Morgan I was on fire! I happened to sit on my buddie’s cigar. But that’s golf, a fine adventure indoors. No, I didn’t hit into anyone or have to yell "Four".
It was right down the middle almost.
Thanks to Joanna for Today’s thought, " I lost four balls, found three, I’am one under."


At 7:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

the problem with golf is that it is not a contact sport. We need a little blood out there and maybe a trainer rushing out on the fairway to remove an 8 iron from someone's rear end.

At 7:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Golf is a no peeking sport..esp when one is taking one behind a tree.

At 1:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually the price per hour is 12 dollars. The cost of drinks and repleneshing a cigar accounted for the extra dineros Senor

At 4:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll have a double, please


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