Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Sticker Shock… 2/14

I finally called the LP gas company and asked to have our tank topped off, it’s been a little cold of late. As we are headed out of town in several weeks I didn’t want the house/furnace to run out gas, bad things happen. I even called the furnace guy to do a quick system check. After looking at it he came out of the basement and asked how old was the unit… I told him that was about half as old as I am.
" That old ?" he said, "You’d better think of a replacement."

The last time that we left the place in the winter the furnace went bonkers. When we returned several weeks later all of our pipes and plumbing fixtures were frozen solid, even the aquarium was hard as a brick. Upon the melt down our daughter’s little fish didn’t look too healthy. We had to replace everything but the fish.

This morning the gas guy shows fills the tank and leaves the bill in the door. It was pure sticker shock. Yes, we also burn wood somewhat but crying loud, woooo.

It was a buck 280 per gallon or whatever. Our place is like an old church, not too spiritual just plenty drafty. I’d do something to this old place but it would cost much more than the gas. So I am sitting here with wool socks on, long johns and ski jacket thinking of the beach that we’ll be parked on in two weeks. Trouble is I just saw the US weather map and it was 30 degrees in Gulf Shores… they shoot horses don’t they?

Speaking of a complete plumbing system repalcements… today’s thought,
"Insurance policies never cover what is actually happening."


At 8:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I heard there was a large gas deposit found on a farm just out side a small southeastern Wisconsin farming community so all you haveto do is to hook on to the Mazada pipe line.

At 9:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's not nice to talk about big brother that way.

At 3:56 PM, Blogger Up North said...

Who said it was a big brother?

At 9:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

let's see here...

in the following thread you don't want to buy a car that isn't made in the good old USA.

in this thread you complain about the price of energy.

if we stopped importing energy, sort of like stopped buying imported,er, foreign cars, i wonder what it would cost to top off your LP?

import energy not cars? i am getting a headache.



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