Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Trade secrets. 2/13
So the US is now exporting high stake gambling. China is the importer for a change. Just think of all slots going into Wynn’s and the Sands’ on the new strip in Macau China. However, I’d bet that on the back of the Slots there is a plate stating "MADE IN CHINA".

Think about it! There is no way that this is a Wynn Wynn situation. no way just like gambling itself. Sure the signage of the casinos and hotels read like a few members New York Stock exchange but in the back rooms the pie is being half and quartered. Just where is the take going? Now then back to trade…

The only true hope in a balance of trade is to get the Russians into the Chinese panes.
It’s like dealing with the oil countries of the middle east., palms are greased and it’s the standard operating procedure, pay the piper or your out of the game. We had laws against unfair trade practices but then is looking? And who actually care cares for all is fair in love and other things as long as we can deal cheap stuff at Wal-Mart.

We the US have only one advantage, it’s brainpower and that’s fading. However, if there is a short cut or a labor saving in any business activity our creative genius within the American motto of ‘Screw You’ will find a way.

So by upping the minimum wage by two bucks our big Mac’s will now cost us $5.00. That should help the economy. I think I’ll switch back to tea and crackers and not say yes if I’d like extra cheese on my Whopper.

Another trade secret is the blog site. Come on people please spread the word… after a year if I've only gotten 3,400 hits something is amiss? This has got to increase of I am out the door. So on your next e-mials to buddies or buddettes please pass along www.littlebigdeal.blog spot.com

Today's thought, "If you find a loophole,
it was designed for people who make a whole lot more money than you and I."


At 6:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's a trade secret for you pal. "Hits" to your blog mean nothing and are an "overstated" measurement. It's "page views" that matter.

Now, not to brag but just to give you a sense of still a below average blog, we had over 1 million hits just in January. That's misleading. "Page Views" were 23 thousand in January which is the more accurate measurement.

And, "miles to go before I sleep."

Good luck!

At 1:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think Martin is trying to change his writing style. I also check out this blog site you are promoting and it doesn't exist. By the way he is on the way. Does the minimum wage apply to babysitting.

At 1:49 PM, Blogger Up North said...

Only in the number of Brews per hour. In Big Bdad John's case it's a case and a half.

At 1:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Over a million in January? There arn't that many people in the whole sate of Iowa.


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