Monday, March 19, 2007

Another Carrier 3/19

There it was right on our things to do on a San Francisco motel brochure. We had an afternoon to blow and had run out of energy hill climbing during our spring break. The small space article told about this rehab’ed Navy Carrier from WW 2 and the Korean War, the USS Hornet. (The 2nd)

The towns of Oakland and Alameda has taken over the old boat and made it into a museum honoring those that severed. My old neighbor had been one of the Hornet’s pilots so why not? We jumped in our rental car crossed the Bay Bridge and tried following the signs…
It’s a big ship, right? shouldn’t be hard to find. So were the dozen upon dozens cargo container ships lining the harbor and literally hundreds of semis helping off load the semi trailer sized containers.

The Oakland water front was a buzz with fellow truck drivers all trying to avoid squashing our small Chevy rental car. I must have taken a wrong turn and was now sweating it out lost among a maze of rolling hardware. Somehow walking the decks of an old ship and saying hi to a few of it’s friendly ghosts seemed secondary into getting out of the pickle I’d gotten us in.

I finally nosed us out of harms way and passed a nice park setting, Jack London Square. But I couldn’t see a carrier’s super structure. On we rolled along the bay front---- all the way to the Oakland-Alameda Sports Complex all the while looking for someone that could give us "proper" directions. But in the end, no boat.

We make a U-turn in a Wal-Mart parking lot and headed back to the Bay Bridge. From our north bound lane on I-580 I happened to see a southbound sign pointing to Jack London Square 'home of the USS Hornet.'

Today's thought, " Don't look over your shoulder, they are gaining on you."


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