Monday, March 12, 2007

Spring Vacation part 1
The friendly skies

You’re flying United, gad, you can’t be serious? Yes, the tickets read United out of Omaha to Denver (one hour lay over) then on to San Fran. We excepted our luggage to disappear or to catch up with us by July 4th. The day before was the big blizzard of ’07 that brought every car in Omaha to a sideways stand still Yes, Omaha we had driven here to see our entire family, grandkids and all… funny how people are thrown curveballs.

The storm had blasted Epply Airport and brought things to a halt. We had our fingers crossed as we called in about our flight status… a two-hour delay… not bad considering.

Our spring trip south to the gulf coast had not only been altered by mother nature but by a parent’s inner calling for our youngest was having health problems – they hadn’t made it to town so Mohammed was off to see them.

Our check in line wounded around the airport through Starbucks then across the baggage claim area through the Skyview Bar (I’ll have a double) then the food court then ladies’ restroom. It moved at a snail pace. Ten years ago I would have been pisssted but not now. The line wasn’t moving nor the planes on the ground. The snow had let up and the crews were out plowing the runways. Once finished and they changed uniforms into their flight gear and we were off to San Francisco via Denver…I mean I know the airlines were cutting costs but double duty for the flight crews?

It was another delay in Denver but we were headed west to something we hadn’t seen in a while, green grass and something more important our youngest daughter and her husband. So, I got to say it… Thanks United Airlines, sorry Dave!

Today's thought... the quickest way to cure a child's stomach-ache to to stand them by the window and watch the school bus leave.


At 8:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

He's back and as good as ever. Now I will have something to read, especialy this weekend when the weather is turning cold again. Goin to be 72 on Tuesday. Hope the frost leaves the ground pretty soon so that golf can resume. Keep up the good work!


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