Tuesday, March 20, 2007

The thaw 3/20

There is a river in our driveway hill, make that a tidal wave. Last week it snowed a mess and now the mess is melting. Maybe there will be a salmon run up our drive? It’s like this about every three years and one forgets the sear joy of sliding out the roadway. There is no complaining here as we really need the water plus three week of solid rain.

The other sight worth a hoot is watching the geese fly in and land on the puddles that are on top of the frozen lakes, talk about crash landing. The other thing that comes into view after the snow melts is the yard work that wasn’t finish last fall. All that outside stuff can be put on hold till I finish "our" remodeling project inside. Maybe I can stretch the thing out till next fall.

However, something happens in May, it’s called fishing season then comes golf. Gee whiz, I've only got four weeks to get my act together. Talk to you later, ‘the Price is Right' is on and it's got other old people dressed in weird clothes holding signs about doing things to their pets.….you know this retirement thing keeps a fellow his toes, ballet anyone?

Today's thought,
"Did you ever notice how much faster
fireplace wood burns when you have to cut it and haul it yourself?"


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