Wednesday, June 06, 2007

This is it...
Sad to say that this is the next to last blog from the master guide of the north woods. Something has come up. No, not an affair with a green frog. It's a massive project that leaves me with 2 mintues of the day to think? Besides who likes warmed over oat meal? Plus the boss has almost has me doing double time at the Pro Shop. Then there is Rosbuds demanding list of "things".

That's my sad excuse. But the real reason is the battery is flat, the mind is brain dead. So, like college instructors Iam going on "So-bat'tic-cal." I've got my bags packed and seeing I don't have a lap top (only one big ass lap) I can't plug in. Iam down the road with journal in hand. Headed for the next county over.
See you all in several weeks...

Monday, June 04, 2007

I should have known…

My wallet was in my other golf bag when the sheriff car stopped me and asked me where was going in such a hurry.

I should rechecked my brother’s attempt to winterize the engine on the ski boat last fall.

I should have “re - tightened” the bolt on our dock that I just put in the lake, it’s floating.

I should not have asked our local excavating contractor to wait a week before bring us several loads of road gravel… we‘ll not see him for another month of Sundays.

I should not have tried to save a buck and given our dog it’s semi annual trim.

I should have known that the sweet golf swing I found in the beginning of spring would head south for the summer.

I should have know that the biggest walleye caught in the whole area this spring was caught off the end of our dock.

I should have remembered that I untied the anchor rope last fall before pitching it overboard yesterday.

Now then there are some things to get upset about then there are others which don’t amount to a hill of beans. As I look out our back window I see this huge mound of beans. I am still waiting on our
excavator for the gravel and to haul away the beans.

Friday, June 01, 2007

Questions of the week… 6/1

If a tree falls in the forest and lands on your foot, do others feel your pain? or

You are running forward at 12 miles an hour in a 500 mph commerical jet, which direction is the pilot flying?

There is a fork in the road. Right? or Left? neither for a fork could cause a flat tire, you take the spoon.

There is a sign ahead. It reads, “LOW BRIDGE”, why not high road?

You are traveling east across the Pacific and cross the international date line – what day is it and does anyone else know or care? Hell, no. You all break out the sun block 50.

You were born on February 29th. Does this mean that Einstein was right that for every 1,459 days (3 years and 364 days) you don’t exist? If so you really don’t need your calendar watch.

You purchase a dozen donuts at your last gas stop and on your next refill they are gone! What happened to them? and what’s your excuse?

They evaporated into the comic void…. They bag blew out the window…here’s a good, one your neighbors dog ran off with the bag…or you stopped at a high school fund raiser car wash and you gave the krispy-creams to the kids…or fess up- you are weak character and slam-dunked to whole bag…here’s a bad one, you stopped at a soup kitchen and gave the little gems to the needie. Any or all of these may work but what ever the case your belt size doesn’t lie.