Friday, September 26, 2008

Where’s it all coming from?

Political ad’s and who paying for them? So, here is my spin…. We have two out of a hundred Senators running for president(whose minding the store). That leaves 98 rascals out their with nothing to do but collect huge paychecks and beni's. In between their many appointments they take junkets to London, Hawaii and other ports of call to see how the rest of the world is getting along.

Never mind the business at home, ‘I have to look busy and important so I can get re-elected.’ Meanwhile, the banks officers pay themselves fat paychecks while giving away the store. And who is at fault? The president of course. I ask, who is charge? No one of course.

Meanwhile, back at home… the printing press run by lobbyists are running flat out printing greenbacks to pay off China for making Wal-Mart blue light specials and paying off the exec’s at Bear Sterns, Lehman and AIG, and Midwest farmers who really need help and ad agencies for creating the works of art on TV run by the spin doctors. In the meantime you have two guys throwing knifes at one another as the world heats up melting Al Gores Kne, Cap make that Ice Caps.

And the price for a J&B Scotch is through the roof which when all said and done hurts us the most. That’s was troubling me Bunkee!

Then to escape the troubles of the day I turn the TV on and there, the two of them at one another throats every ten minutes Gad, the cash being blown on the political races and not being spend on AIDs or CF research… enough I say before Oprah becomes Secretary of Defense. Down with the clowns.

Monday, September 22, 2008

It’s been quite a year…

but it’s only ¾’s over and a Bear was shot on Wall Street (Bear Sterns) The Lehman Brothers are now a circus act, and AIG is a virus that the Feds are trying to stamp out. Grandma Greene was right, ‘ what goes up must come down’ and she wasn’t just talking about the stock market. My blood pressure which was up there is now nil... can't even a pulse.

It’s true of most every thing…
political band wagons really start rolling right at the bottom of a hill just before their crash. The Japs are going to take over the three American auto makers, well good night and good luck to them. It’s these over night wonders fixes that the big boys come up with which will lead us crashing into another wall a month or two down the road. Bandaids wash off in time.

Now we are going to allow off shore oil drilling,…that’s not bad but where will that oil be headed? China? The boys will be selling it to them for $50 while poor Exxon Mobil will be paying $100 a barrel and we we will still be shelling out $4 per gallon.

Gee, I love the politico /economical profile of this new millennia. It makes the Tea Pot Dome scandel look like a church gathering.

Milk is now way more expensive than gas, soda pop and bottled water not far behind. The cheapest thing on the shelve is beer… so let’s all burn beer in our gas tanks and chug down the road.
Bottoms up.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Out of town, sorry…

Life happens. I’ve no other excuse for not posting last week. … other than a serve cold, no computer access, writer’s block, and I was hit by lightin’. Take your pick or non of the above.

We once again volunteered our services as grandparents riding point on two super active little people. Thirty some years ago it seemed a lot easier. Either the kids today are a lot faster or us gray haired people ( don’t I wish) are a lot slow.

Don’t get me wrong I love the kids and the “act” of roles we play but this grand parent thing is a lot tougher than it looks like from the outside. The man up stairs knew what He was doing by having couples have kids early rather than later. It’s either or that I’m so out of shape that I just 5 minutes ago quit walking on my ankles.

So with due respect and loving memories we slept in our bed last night and put in a sound 8 hours…
ZZZZZZ you around.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

A waste and time and money part 2

Gift certificates… they get lost and are always too the wrong store.

Annual physical exams… you’re a wreck and they confirm it.

Outside consultants… and your know who you are and they don’t?

Blood pressure gauges, they only make it rise.

Extra innings… 9 and three innings are two to many.

Sudden death… there is nothing wrong with ties except at work.

Birthdays… they need to be outlawed after 31.

Political parties the grease that makes the world go round.

Status quo… you are standing in it.

Creative thinking one in a billion every 5th century.

Flower gardens something to do when your 90 for 5 days.

The postal service … outdated, over paid just like congress we can’t get rid of it.

The supreme court, yakady, yakady… nice robes.

The football season 4 months that should be 12.

Fiananical advisors, bet on horse 9.

Mark Twain & Will Rodgers, boy do we need their advice now.

Saturday, September 06, 2008

A waste of time and money

Dental work… it all falls out anyway.

Political National Conventions- fore gone conclusions.

World peace – someone always wants what you don’t have.

Road repair- if they’d get it right in the first place.

TV- sitcoms. They are never real nor is the canned laughter.

Fuel efficient cars- someone else always owns one.

Money back guarantees- the thing breaks a day after it expires.

Life Insurance – they are betting you don’t die so is your doctor.

Shopping Malls- a reason for kids to hang out.

Hostess Cup Cakes- how can they be fresh 3 week later?

New Jersey – home of the world worst drivers.
Wisconsin – home of cheese and more cardiologist than any other state.

Madison Wi. – 60 square miles surrounded by reality.

Rerunning baseball games- the first time is like a trip to the dentist.

Instruction manuals – a waste of good paper.

Blog sites ? …. Could be!!!!

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Cause and Effect…

There are two things that effect all of us and we can’t do a thing a bout it, only turn a deaf ear. They are related… first is politics and second is the price of oil. Not cooking oil but petroleum. What happens if one guy gets into office verse the other guy? Nothing!
Oh and a third thing that we can’t do anything about, flying insects.

(Notice we are counting things today)…next…
There were two thing you have been told you can count on.. death and taxes, which is an old hat unless you are on your death bed and the IRS man is pounding on your door… Now, enter a third, inflation.

I don’t care who you vote for or who gets into office for nothing can change things. Sure on the surface one blow hard may say he has the “ANSWER” but no. It’s the economy stupid, OK? Even Silk Willie got that one right.

So, let’s all take a risk… a risk on the future. But its not a risk… it’s the same deal that put a man on the moon and from that “small” investment we now have thousand of high tech advances that have improved life on Earth. i.e. computers, l.e.d. electronics, garage door openers, musical vacuum cleaners, automatic coffee makers, heart pace makers, implants of all types, even orange juice in a box.

Imagine government spending actually bring social and economical dividends . Well it did and if structured properly can solve ALL of our energy needs and a whole lot more. So it’s not a new logger head sitting in the White House whoever that might be, it’s the gang on capital hill sitting on their rear ends. Talk about a waste of time and money