Friday, May 12, 2006

A walk in the woods… 5/12

Several years ago my son-in-law gave me a Christmas book, "A Walk in the Woods." by Bill Bryson. Brother Bill the author was born and raised in Des Moines and began writing about things out there in this big old world. Having been born and raised in Iowa I can see where Bryson had his eyes opened after he moved his own family to Maine. " A Walk in the Woods" is the story of his discovering America by walking the entire length of the Appalachian Trail, 2,100 miles. Huf , huf!

It’s rather different scenery out east with the Blue Ridge and the Smokes. Walking 2,100 miles is something amazing for has its ups and downs, mostly ups. I really got into the book for Bryson wasn’t alone for he had a walking companion. He talked a life long friend who was over weight and out of shape to join him. His friend, we all can identify with for his backpack was filled with the good stuff, Snickers, Baby Ruths, 40 pounds of M&Ms, Ho-Ho’s and Zingers.

As they traveled along every 40 or 50 miles they found places where they could find heart healthy food. However, this also let Howard his friend could refill his backpack with the good stuff, a man after my own heart with triple by-passes.

Recently we were back in Death Moines and Rosebud, my dear wife, was showing me around her old neighbor. She to is a Des Moines native. We past by Drake U. then down her street. Then she showed me the Bryson home that was just around the corner. Small world for they both went to the same grade school.

I only mention this for this a.m. I went for a very quite walk in the woods myself and for once I really listened. It amazing the sounds that nature throws at you if you just let yourself listen. Like the sounds of a heavy snow blizzard in the middle of May? Hello? Whose there ? Its only Big Foot.


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