Friday, March 23, 2007

House Rules… 3/23

Every estabishment has them., even here it’s, "Bud, wipe your feet!"
In Lost Wages, Nevada its keep your hands in sight, no electronic items at the table, and card counters will be shot at sun rise.

At our place it’s 6 simple house rules all must live by.

1.) Never take the last beer out of the refreg only if you have
a death wish.

2.) Always knock on the closed bathroom door,
I don’t want be caught with them down either do you.

3.) The kitchen is hollow grounds, you all must bow down,
all hail to the Queen.

4.) If you leave the seat up it your last visit.

5.) The TV remote belongs to the King I’ve got it and
you can’t have it. Mess with it is another
death warrant for you, that makes two.

6.) The garage is off limits. Everything in the place has its place -
except when its misplaced which is 50% of the time.

7.) There is a welcome mat that saz’ WELCOME’
and we mean it but wipe you feet.

Wait that’s 7 rules it must be brain fade time.

Today’s thought, "Anyone can win – unless there is a second entry."
Wait I used this one before, it is brain fade


At 8:15 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Try a few of this rules out... not more than 3 soda pops before driving home or I'll call you a cab. 'you're a cab.

You may drive 7 miles an hour over the limit- any more Bud and I am driving?

Look it's our dog you walk it, feed it and take it to the vet.

and no auto part in the living room. All of us have got to walk the line whether it's straight of leads off a 100 foot cliff.

At 4:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow!! It almost sounds like the blogger and Mr. Anonymous are kindred spirits. Hmmmmm....... What about -- use the sun block, no fatty foods not even Cobb salads,no more road trips with Huntski and Winger, no more 45 holes of golf in one day and never again visiting Darlings


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