Thursday, March 22, 2007

I did it. 3/22

Ever hit a bunker shot from a sand trap and have the golf ball hit the flag and drop into the cup? (no) Ever sail off the water ski jump upside down 10 times in a row then finally land right side up? (yes)

Ever try and pass college freshman composition 3 times in a row and finally get a passing grade? (yes) Ever date the wrong people till you finally stubbed your toe on the right person? (could be)

Ever wonder what in the Sam hell is wrong with you and you finally get into the Doctor’s a day before the big one? (you bet)

Ever hold your kids on your knees and look them in the eye and tell them what you really think of them? (not often enough)

Did you ever think that looking into to a mirror would scare the pajesus out of you? (daily)

There are some things in life that are priceless for others there is Mastercard… boy did we max ours out on our last trip. But you know at least I can say "I did it." which is the same first sentence one of our little grand daughters spoke last week.. she did it!

Today’s thought,
"Those that climb the highest mountain
can look down and say I did it,
those at the bottom can take pictures."


At 3:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did you ever hit a tee shot and hit a guy from Ecuador in the crotch or a deer in the hind end? Did you ever drive a laundry truck deep into the forest chasing after a squirrel? Ever catch an 8 lb. largemouth bass and release it two feet from the net? Ever due laps around Roz's driveway so often that noone knew who was following whom? Ever restore a car at Dick Gotchy's and drive it to the Cellar three miles away and have it die?Ever have tons of friends because you make them smile? You do!!!


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