Friday, October 31, 2008

On the road...

Next Wednesday early AM we are on the road, no we are not going into hiding. I know it will be one day after election(s). But,Young JR needs to see his grandparents before he goes off to college.

It's a great time to travel right before the fall ice storms hit I-80. So on Tuesday we volunteer at the Thirft Shop then vote for one of the two bandits, pack and get an early 6am send off... it will be a wirlwind trip catching the HIGH points of Iowa (one)then over to Omaha.

Therefore, you will be blogless next week... no crying please. If anyone has a problem with this you can take up with my manager, Miss Rosebud, and she will set you straight. So on Tuesday cast your vote for the crook of your choice, then you too can sit back and bitch like hell about how had things are, it's the American Way!

Another American thing is Thanksgiving, we can all be thankfull that the political ads are over (for the time being).

P.S. The pix is of the two of on our last trip to Iowa and in back of us is one of your average Iowa corn stalks.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

and miss placed coma.s and periods.
Sorry for how the last "blogging' went. In typing class there were just to many pretty girls, all but one the teacher.

The bottom…are we there yet?

The quote of the century…
“ When there is panic, it’s the time to buy, when they are buying
it’s the time to panic.”
This was said by the sage of Omaha who
only days prior purchased a huge chunk of General Electric.
Mr. Buffet isn’t new to the investing game. He’s been at for a
long time. Warren started with a small insurance sale office and
through use of a seldom used thing now days purchased the main
insurance company. How? elbow grease and long hours.
Now just one share of his company equals the gross national product
of Europe.

What are we to take away from Mr. Buffet’s success?
It’s a simple lesson learning from history and not have to repeat it.
Investing and ownership in companies has been around since before
Roman times. They had their recession/depression too. It was
monstrous and called the dark ages and it lasted for centuries.
Why? It was the same old story “something for nothing”, a quick fix.”

The lord of the manor sat back and let his serfs do all the dirty
work while he went about jousting. He went after dragons while
the serfs planted and harvested the crops. In return the serfs got
to keep, 2% of the pie, their families and the wood hut they lived
in. Meanwhile, the lord got his 98% of the take donating a tinny
part to the church of his choice of which there was one, take your
choice. This simple act would ease his conscious.

With his extra “earning” he could either losses it in a dice
game or invest it with an Italian who had his mind set on sailing
off the edge of the flat world to prove it was so.
Surprise, he came back with chests load ed with gold from the outer
islands of China. “Well, they don’t look like Chinese to me.”
the Lord investor thought.

This is to good to be true and others thought the same thing…
The others formed in groups each investing their part of the pie for a
bigger piece of the pie. Let’s make this official and give each one of
us a piece of paper that says we each own a part of the larger pie.
“Whose going to watch after the paper?” they asked.

Someone answered,
“We’ll form a bank and they can hold the paper.”
The debate continued.. “What’s on the paper?
'Something catchy… how about in money we trust?’

"No that will never do!
Then how about 'In God we trust'?
Are you kidding? What about those that don’t?
Ok, then how about the words, Gold Certificate?

This was hunky dory and was so for quite a few years until one day
someone wanted his share of the gold, opps.
Guess what? Mr. Buffet’s quote could have been applied.
It was fear or panic in a big way, take your choice of verbs.

The game had to be rethought and in a hurry.
Now what? they asked. "Let’s reprint new paper and call it silver certificates.
I mean silver grows on trees unlike gold.”
Good idea.
What the heck people are now use to paper instead of coins of the realm.

Things went back to abnormal for a few years till some one wanted
their silver and once again it was a run on the banks…
Boys, we seem to have another problem! Anyone got a better?

“Sure do! We’ll build 7 huge building with iron bar on the window.
We’ll call the Federal Reserve and tell everyone we are keeping
the government’s valuables in them. Them we’ll reprint the paper and
call them 'Federal Reserve Notes’ We’ll tell everyone they are as good
as money.”

“No one is going to believe that old line it ‘s failed twice before.
Yes they will, here is the hooker, we reintoduce God once again.

How so?

We print on the paper, “In God we trust.” Brilliant
So here we are today all looking for something for nothing.
Meanwhile, the world is holding onto Federal Reverse Notes with the
printing of >“In God we trust on it.”em> But the question is, whose God? and whose printing press?
When the answer is elbow to use grease and long hours per the Sage of Omaha.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Over exposure

There are some things that you can just get to much of…

A third helping of desert
One too many birthdays
A quadruple bogy on the golf course
The fourth cold of the season
Another audit from the IRS
An extra week of political TV ads

Enough is enough. The ads are coming out of our ears and eye balls.

There is not too much I can do about your eating habits, nor turning back father time for Einstein proved it impossible, so is your poor golf game, impossible.

But to cure your 4th cold you could move to Aruba and to hell with the IRS.
Lastly are political ads. Those on TV you can simply purchase a TiVo, record everything and fast forward through the two clowns that are running for office.
On your phone just add caller I.D.

That’s my simple Rx for “Over Exposure”
That will be $500 for a house call,
make your check out to Doctor Blog

Friday, October 24, 2008

Where’s it all coming from? Oct 24
Political ad’s and who paying for them? So, here is my spin….

We have two out of a hundred Senators running for president (whose minding the store). That leave 98 rascals out their with nothing to do but collect huge paychecks and check their separately run retirement accounts. Also, there many appointments they must make, junkets to London, Hawaii and other ports of call to see how the rest of the world is getting along. Never mind the business at home,
‘I have to look busy and important so I can get re-elected.’

Meanwhile, banks officers pay themselves fat paychecks while giving away the store. And who is at fault? The president of course. I ask, who is charge, no one of course. It's the art of finger pointing.

Also back at home… the printing press run by lobbyists are running flat out printing greenbacks to pay off China for creating Wal-Mart blue light specials and paying off the exec’s at Bear Sterns, Lehman and AIG. The poor Midwest farmers are the ones who really need help for Brazil is still eating their lunch. All the while you have two guys throwing knifes at one another as the world heats up melting Al Gores Knee Cap make that Ice Caps.

But what really gets my goat the price for a J&B Scotch is through the roof which when all said and done hurts us the most. That’s was troubling me Bunkee!

So to escape I turn the TV on and there it is, the two of them once again at one another throats every ten minutes. Gad, the cash being blown on the political races and not being spend on AIDs or CF research… and then Oprah will becomes Secretary of Defense, she's got deep pockets. I need an aspin!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Dear Editor...

Why do people write you to express their dissatisfaction on views held by others? 99% of what is written can always be logically torn apart. Classes in college logic start you on a premise that maybe 180 degrees from what the student is thinking. Even members of high school debate teams are given stances on topics to support which many times go against their owns beliefs.

Take the past presidential debates. Who won Who lost? It’s like a jump ball in basketball… it really doesn’t matter till the final buzzer. 90 % of the time it’s not what is said but what color tie is worn.

Right or wrong it’s what we currently have. Our two party system grinds away at away at one another and tells us how bad it’s going to be if we vote for the other guy. It’s very seldom when a candidate will stand up and offer their structured plan of the future and how we all can get there and share in the pot at the end of the rainbow.

The only problem is the other guy who gets voted into office stays there ‘until death do us part. Almost every company/corporation has a simple test… a test wherein the human resource person assure the “management” that the applicant can think.

So why not test each elected congressperson’ as to there ability to think. The same can be said of your editorial staff at the local newspaper and TV commentator. As for presidential candidates??? I like their ties.

Signed: a malcontent reader/ listener.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Take a left, no make that a right…

There is a time when you have to admit you finally wrong. It takes brass. Yet, when the wind is taken out of your sail you are becalmed. So be it.

Two weeks ago we went to a wedding in Milwaukee. It was held at a very nice Country Club where I had been twice before. I knew the way. How could I not? Yes, I took a wrong turn! THE FIRST EVER!
I pride myself in knowing well head of what direction we need to go… call it semi truck driving training, for yes Joanne you don’t do a U-ie turn in traffic even in a car let alone a 60 semi truck and trailer… No we weren’t in a truck just our car headed in the wrong direction… you’d think I stop and ask for direction – what are you crazy? So for 3 years of pushing semi through the mayhem of east coast traffic not once did I everget myself in a complete pickle.

Somehow the wheels in my brain were not turning as fast as our car– no, I wasn’t thinking when I made a wrong turn – blame it on the good times that were just down the road. So, I drowned my little stupidity in 2 J&B’s after the ceremony and danced all night – Rosebud is just recovering from sore feet.

Monday, October 13, 2008

What’s up?

It came down in a hurry, the stock market. Other thing haven’t … the price of gas, my blood pressure, your memory span. What should we all learn from the events of the last year month and week? It’s simple for a simple mind. First, there is not one person, one event that can trigger the event that we are now in, the possible world collapse of the global economy. This could be to most major event of all time.

It’s an imposition of faith. It’s really not fear of tomorrow for tomorrow is going to happen. Bankers are shaking in their boots, stock brokers are simply that, broke. ? Many a crystal ball has shattered in investment advisors hands.

So what’s ahead I ask you to simply take a look at something…
Everyone has them (or had them) they are in you wallet or purse. They are greenbacks. Take a moment and take one out and look at it. It’s a dollar bill and people over the years have tried to figured them out, and to collect as many of the as possible. But they have change over the years… they use to be a gold notes, you exchange them for gold. Then they changed them into a silver certificate and now we have a thing call a Federal Reserve Note. These notes have about as much substance as air, maybe a little less so.

These current notes (greenbacks) ask you to do one thing… have faith, that’s right, faith! Not only in the United States of American but it’s government (very hard at times) but also something large and it’s print on the back side of each bill…“In God we trust”. It a good thought but He’s not the one that going to bail us out of this problem. It’s each one of us that must put faith back in the dollar and not the fat cat commercial bankers who our monies and ran.

Friday, October 10, 2008

A bite is in the air…
COOL is the word for fall. It’s that time of brats, kick off’s, a blazes of color and a time to hustle your buns. There a billion things that were put off all summer. I was going to’s are in the dozens that are looking you in the face but is there an alternative?

How about hiring all that stuff out? You know a Japanese garden or two town thugs to do the grunt work. How about hiring a Merry Maid for Rosebud so we could buzz over to Door County for the weekend? It all sounds good but in the end no one could do the small jobs as well as you (or me). Those people just can’t get it right and pass Joanne’s white glove inspection. So there is no second football game to watch this weekend. It’s off the sofa and butt in gear before the white stuff makes a mess of everything.

Ah, fall it’s a slap in the face. Yet it’s a time to take a moment and take a walk down the road with some very enjoyable company. All you have to do is turn off the big game and get off you rear end, join me?

Monday, October 06, 2008

Diapper changing, who me? No way.

While at my daughter’s several weeks as a disaction for the ambient noise (the kids crying) I turned on her I-pod Bose music maker. That in itself was a feat. What came out of the little box was a flow her music selection. As a normal father I would have ground my teeth to heavy metal but no. I must admit I am not that normal. I must also admit I have an eye and an ear tuned on the creative side. Call it artsy if you will and I tried passing it along to our kids.

When she was a tad poll I try in instill in her that it’s just not what is hot & current but what has been past along. There are masterpieces created through the ages that you must spend a little time with to full appreciate.. I’m not just talking classical music nor only the art hanging in the Louve. Each age has had left handed genius many of which go unnoticed. You just have to do a little digging. That’s half the fun of it and you’ll find their work and craft is very current today and will be so tomorrow.

‘Kid sitting’ isn’t quite like a slow walk through the Louve but it’s an art as well. It’s a matter spending an extra moment and enjoying the sights and sounds of what is given to you, it’s called life… so cheers daughter of mine for letting us share your kids.

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

I vented on the last blog…Sorry
Mother said never talk cosmetics with friends. There are some things you just don’t do in public.

1. Wear holy underwear, some one might see you as religious.
2. Kiss wife or family, it’s not mucho esp for a girlie.
3. Eat a garlic salad before going to a movie.
4. Spit on the sidewalk you may have to walk this way again, get the drift.
5. Give a stranger a handout, it would wreck your tight-wad image.
6. Handout political posters, they’ll think you’re Lee Harvy Oswald.

What it all comes down to is image, no substance. It’s what the Navy destroyers did in WW II. It’s called a smoke screen and it was a very big part of my life as ad man. If a client had a problem you put it 6 feet under and sold his pluses if there were any. So when we look at things, look at the dirty work and ask what they have hidden 6 feet under, esp do this prior to making your mark in the voting booth.

I promise this is the last blog about the election for as we both know it's about as big a waste of time as this blog. The economy is in hyper trouble and all we get from the media is comments about Mrs Obama's dress. Now is the time for the canidates to get off the stump and their sorry asses and take the lead in fixing the banking/credit problem. Where is Allan Greenspan when you need him? (Irration Exzerbrance) my eye,end of sermon.