Friday, May 26, 2006


Getting turned up for the big holiday, the 4th of July takes some far sighted planning. I have this friend who was huge into the 4th. He’d spend weeks buying and then planning his lighting off a display that would level the neighborhood. For months while on business trips he’d stop at other road side booths in states that allow the sale of the BIG stuff, things that go boom in the night.

Our small island town would literally explode with people from around the state coming in to see the town’s large fireworks display. For years my friend felt that he should out due the taxpayers and have his own display. Many of us would gather on the eve of the 4th in his front yard and watch him launch the BIG stuff out over the lake and drink his scotch when he wasn’t looking.

There were ooohhhs, and ahhhh’s from the front yard and from boaters out on the lake. He'd light off his display after the town’s show and it became an annual event until… till one year, one of his aerial salutes backfired and landed in a boat of a friend. Yes it went bang!

Now a days, we all leave it to the pros to light things off. Sitting in our lawn chairs with mint juleps in hand we toast the founding of our counrty and watch our grownup kids level the neighborhood with their own fireworks.
Only five weeks to the fourth, we all better start shopping for the BIG stuff..


At 1:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sure glad that the older and now wiser group still have all their fingers after playing with fireworks. It's very helpful when holding a Capt. n Coke.

At 5:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Older yes -- Wiser nope. Even though one of our fingers are alive and well (and ready to wave at chastising friends) the other ones are a little shaky from holding on to the Captain. Are fireworks more dangerous than an ad man showing an investment specialist how to fire a gun without hitting a person or a house, much less a black squirrel?So we are lucky that we are still alive and have not run anyone over with a laundry truck or blown up a boathouse by ramming it with a towboat or stopped a train by hiding(?) on a trestle or hitting someone in their lower private extremities or taking down trees with a large bus. Ah!! Ain't life grand? If only our kids would be as conscientious and as safety minded as we were back in the 50's, 60's, 70's, 80's and 90's.

At 6:58 AM, Blogger Up North said...

Keep going fella, the 2000's isn't a walk in the park. It's now a time when Doctors and surgons are as just as big a threat to your health as a premature M-80 going off by your by your ear drum or getting nailed by a wayward golf ball.

It's amazing how things change, the Russians are now our good friends and the French they are still the French!

At 11:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mint julips??? They serve that stuff on pontoon boats? I never knew...........

At 1:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site. Keep working. Thank you.


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