Monday, May 15, 2006

Nature Stuff… 5/15

On Friday’s post I gave you a nature theme. I really can get into this nature stuff but this morning I was ready to put a knife in Mrs. Nature and move back into the city, Minocqua. It’s been five morning in a row that there has been a family of huge red headed wood peckers having very early morning breakfasts on a dead oak right outside our bedroom window. It’s rat-a tat-tat all morning. The first morning it was nice to know that spring was really here but come on, rat-tat- tat at 5am?

Imagine listening to those ultra- monster boom boxes kids install in their cars a foot from your head. Well, those boom boxes, are a lot quieter than this family of birds who each am were making more noise than the Boston Pops on the 4th of July. Yes, there is a time and place for all of God’s loving creatures but 10 feet from our bedroom window at 5am?

There are laws protecting eagles, woodpeckers even the spotted owl. However they could be a little more appreciative of others that inhabit nature’s world. I mean we don’t water ski after 10 o’clock at night not wanting to disrupt their tranquility. Sometimes I wonder about the mentality of birds and others... zero.

I think I’ll follows those woodpeckers and find out what tree they are nesting in, then go out at midnight with a hammer with in hand and bang it on their tree.
But in the end, isn't nature grand stuff?


At 7:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought you were already up by 5 AM. Time to whip out the 22 assault rifle you once lent me. Don't forget to do another weapons demonstration on your porch.

At 11:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

After you locate the tree they are hammering on, wrap insulation around it and secure with duct tape. Hang a sign on it that says woodpeckers aren't welcome in Hoosierville. On the other hand, you could change the location of your bedroom.

At 12:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

As long as they don't yell "Bud, Get up" whats the diff? Plus, bearing in mind some of your perckerhead friends (excluding those two wonderful people Tom and the father of the bride to be)live up there, how do you know that Nancy didn't plan this racket just to get you to go to bed early in theevening?

At 3:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Heard through the grapevine that the Mrs. is checking out of town to help Most Favored Son with the move to Nebraska/Iowa/whatever.

Here's a suggested blog topic for you.

I think it's time for Wobbin's
Top 10 to make its annual appearance.

Remember those?

I'll get you started with the first one:

10. Don't forget to brush your teeth.


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