Wednesday, May 24, 2006

May 21st a cold night

Frost warnings?
Last Several nights ago we had a heavy frost, it was 27 degrees! and this was the fourth night in a row with below freezing temps.

Is this unusual?
No it’s not! In past years we’ve had frost even in June and Rosebud would cover our tomato plants. But come on, this was the fifth night in a row of frost and this whole month of May has been the pitts.

Cold Mays, warm Januarys and flags go up and some people's concerns mount. "There are hurricanes in Florida and Texas needs rain…" this is a line from an old Kingston Trio tune of the 60’s. In 40 plus years not much has changed accept the waether. This brings up the subject for the day… the word normal.

My definition of normal or one that I use is " what most people except."
But if you are associated with a group of abs or sub normal people what is normal to your little world in the eyes of others is contair’. So our little frost to the people of Point Barrow, Alaska would have been a heat wave but to the folks in the Island of Bonaire, a natural disaster.

A type 5 huricane in the Gulf area is not to normal but not uncommon. But what is abnormal are the subnormal people that allowed building homes in a swamp area that's below sea level.

Going out to the saloons till closing for weeks at a time is NOT normal to some people. However, in some parts of the country (Fairfield, Iowa) it is considered standard operating procedure, normal. It’s all (normal) according to your constitution and I don’t mean a piece of paper that our founding fathers signed.
Excuse me now, I have to go uncover the tomatoes plants or Rosebud will have a bird, which is normal.


At 8:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You should know by now that most "normal" people return to Wisconsin after Memorial Day "except" those who don't "accept" weather realities of life in the northwoods.

Cover/uncover the tomatoes Bud!

At 9:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does this mean you'll be attending Al Gore's movie premiere?

At 9:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, let's hear it for the "abs" or "sub" normal people.

At 11:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

A Coleman assessing normalcy. There is a basic flaw in this concept.

At 4:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

IMHO - Normal is what very rigid peole want things to be. Life is what normal is. Wobbin is normal. Bud is not. Hunt is normal. The rest of the world is not. Camp Coleman is normal. Tourists are not. Winger is normal. Morleys are normal. Howling Dawg is normal. Everyone who disagrees with these statements is probably not normal. IMHO

At 6:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fairfield, Iowa denizens do not go to saloons until closing time weeks in a row, they always do it. That "weeks at a time" qualifier is for pansies.

However, it does lead to a constitution that requires a significant amount of paperwork as opposed to your concept.

At 7:43 AM, Blogger Up North said...

As Plato, the Greek once said. I don't care!" or was it Playdoe?

At 7:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The point is no one who is normal, there are only degrees of of the other side and which side of the fence you are sitting on.


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