Thursday, May 18, 2006

It's down …. 5/18

No it’s not my waistline nor the market …. but our tread mill!
What a great feeling knowing that you have blown through the rubber track on your ‘human squirrel cage’, the treadmill. The track itself is complete history. We got the thing about five years ago. For the first four years Rosebud used it daily. I used it as a coat rack. I’d only get near the thing to moving it so she could vacuum around it. That was about it.

It’s not that I do not want to look like my younger brothers who are in semi-shape. It’s that I thought I was near perfect condition. But after five knee operations and a mess of other physical problems I am lucky to be walking let alone getting in shape to run a Boston Marathon.

This mentality lasted till last fall until the hospital changed my logical thinking. It’s simple… without a heart you have no knees. So they, the knees, are now a constant pain, swollen up, and hurt like the blazes after 40-minutes of tread millings. Now our treadmill has a flat tire, we wore out. It will be down while I order parts then 'extended' weeks while I then try a repair.

In the meantime I’ve got to find alternate exercises. There’s high speed walking in the woods with our friends the wood ticks or doubling up on two wet suites and swimming in 50 degree water in our lake. Or I could use the high school’s indoor track at 5 am or even the athletic equipment at a hotel in town. But with gas at 3 bucks I think I’ll speed walk the dog , that is if she can keep up with me.


At 8:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have older brother engineer a mosquito net outfit for you. You'll be the talk of the town of Hazelhurst for years to come. But publicity of any sort is good when you're running for mayor.

At 8:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

A recumbent bike at Da Pointe gym would work best for your knees. No ticks, no dog, no wifey, no shit!

When finished, have a "happy meal" at Whitman's followed by a cigar remembering to keep the wrapper secured in your pocket.

At 9:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"alternate excercises?"

and nancy is out of town. i suggest for your long term health and welfare you best be walking the dog.

At 10:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please consider "swimming" as an alternate exercise for you. Less stress on the joints, and great overall aerobic workout and conditioning. Head to the Pointe or the Waterpark where they offer morning aqua exercises in their heated pool. You have NO EXCUSES afer this. So, better get going, BUD. And do not attempt to go to the other watering hole afterwards (the FBI agent will sniff this out pronto).

At 10:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Re: gas prices at $3--heck, just time it on your way to the thrift shop -- where you use up most of your gas mileage anyway.


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