A toe is stubbed yet again.
The last time I did it I pledged that I would never ever do it again. There was a reason for being heads up on knowing when to say when…but the words didn’t make it out of my mouth last night.
I’ll have one, maybe three max. period. Why put yourself through the next morning hanging by a thread? How many times do you have to wakeup the next morning and wish it were a week later? Needless to say there is a buzzzzzzing going on up stairs and its not a malfunction of any household equipment.
The problem was in my brain and as luck would have it I got a ride home in the weee small hours 11:30. I swear I didn’t have that many. I guess that some point in life it doesn’t take a half gallon to turn the lights out.
Let’s be Frank, Ralph or Waldo…. Sometimes getting S#@##&%(@$ faced doesn’t take much but then the next am it takes guts to haul your aching brains out of bed and get along with the day. I t’s called paying the piper…I am paying the piper and it’s only Friday and therefore I’ve already messed up the week-end. I’d liked to say a word of thanks to who ever drove me home last night and stuffed me in bed without waking Rosebud. Sometimes the GODS smile.
Talk to you guys Monday, I got to get some aspirin.
Thought of the day, "Two Irishmen walked out of a bar, it could happen."