Friday, March 30, 2007

A toe is stubbed yet again.

The last time I did it I pledged that I would never ever do it again. There was a reason for being heads up on knowing when to say when…but the words didn’t make it out of my mouth last night.

I’ll have one, maybe three max. period. Why put yourself through the next morning hanging by a thread? How many times do you have to wakeup the next morning and wish it were a week later? Needless to say there is a buzzzzzzing going on up stairs and its not a malfunction of any household equipment.

The problem was in my brain and as luck would have it I got a ride home in the weee small hours 11:30. I swear I didn’t have that many. I guess that some point in life it doesn’t take a half gallon to turn the lights out.

Let’s be Frank, Ralph or Waldo…. Sometimes getting S#@##&%(@$ faced doesn’t take much but then the next am it takes guts to haul your aching brains out of bed and get along with the day. I t’s called paying the piper…I am paying the piper and it’s only Friday and therefore I’ve already messed up the week-end. I’d liked to say a word of thanks to who ever drove me home last night and stuffed me in bed without waking Rosebud. Sometimes the GODS smile.

Talk to you guys Monday, I got to get some aspirin.

Thought of the day, "Two Irishmen walked out of a bar, it could happen."

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Day Two’s -question
How do you get all those old plumbing lines to match up with the new fixtures where the lines aren’t in the same place?

Right, recall that Pro who lives in town and get his buns out here.

Maybe if I get the patches and band-aids on all those extra holes I cut in the floor and walls and cover them with a bed sheet. Rosebud will never know what a bouched up job this is turning into.
Or I could run to town and purchase a tub of plaster patching goup and go at it. The only other person to know of my screw ups is our dog and she’s not talking. She just sits looking at me attacking the place with drill and saw shaking her head in wonder, so am I. Maybe I shouldn’t have slept through shop class in high school. Come to think of it, that wasn’t the only class where I had placed a vacancy sign on my deck.

I know many of you are wondering when will the grand opening be? Maybe I should rephase…. When will the first flushing be… better rephase again - when will the water run?
That is a verrry good question!

Today’s thought, "There is no such thing as a temporary tax or permanent press clothing."

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Day One’s question – it’s A Bob Villa one
How do you get a 40"wide bath tub through a 36" door opening ?
Don’t give me the answer right away or the olde saw – "very carefully"
That doesn’t cut it for that what I’ve got facing me.

I’ve thought this thing (remodeling) through for month…(remodeling). How in the world could I have miss the boat on this one. This was so obvious even a 2-year old knows a round peg doesn’t fit in a square hole. Fortunately, in the bath room where the oversized tub goes in on an outside first floor wall. It’s amazing the problems a chain saw can answer.

I’ll start up this modern marvel, cut the tub in two, get the two parts through the door then glue it back together? Where there is a way there is a will or is it the other way around?

Well, this daily blog is going to be a short one for I’ve got some more reading to do in my "How to books".
Today’s thought, "There isn’t such a phase as – ‘it can't be done’
only I can’t quite see the answer."

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

New and Improved 3/27

It takes some time to get use to new things. Our car’s owners manual is as thick as the Old Testament and about as much fun to read as well. I’ve gotten to the part where I now know how to turn off the windshield wipers. It’s the same with my golf club, the driver. Right when I think a can hit the thing out comes a new and improved model which I just have to have or be laugh off the course. Last year I finely learned to select and set stations on the car radio and it became time to turn the car in on a new and improved model, same deal.

I was in the appliance store yesterday kicking tires on one of the new high definition wide screen TV’s with built in programs and zip-out commercials. The remote control had more buttons that the control panel than on a NASA spacecraft. I just pray to God that our old TV doesn’t have a hissy fit and stay in the running order till I finish by mail order course in Electrical Engineering from MIT.

Even then it would take months of nightly study before I had the nerve to turn one of those things on. The ultimate was last fall when I turn on my electronic fish locator and up on the screen popped my dental work, something was amiss.

I am not alone on this one even my ‘younger’ brother came away from his new TV itching his head and mumbling. These new electronic whiz bangs all needs either words of caution
"Anyone older than 30 will be fined for the use of this unit"
or as a part of sale on these things we should receive a two week training course at an Area Technical College and the geek squad to parked in our living rooms for a year.

So on we advance in a world of marvelous inventions while many of us are left in the dust scratching something other than our heads. If it’s something other than an "on/off’ button…I don’t care.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Part time - part timer 3/26

You’d think I’ve got nothing better to do than sit around writing blogs. In itself this blog thing is almost full time job let alone chopping down my " Honey Do’ list. It’s harder than you’d think coming up with much to do about nothing daily. I must admit that I had years of practice writing advertising copy selling boats, dog food, fishing rods, work gloves and donuts to people who didn’t need it. Of course I had two proof-readers who did help.

Thankfully, it’s getting to be that time of the year when I shave, shower and put on duds and head out to a real job, the golf shop. Some of us retired people actually punch a clock and it sure is nice to a have few bucks in my pocket. It’s cash, which is like money Yogi, which Rosebud doles out to me from our social security check in very small amounts. I look forward to this time of the year and my extra mad money and sometimes if I am careful there is enough left to purchase a used golf club.

I’ve heard some folks are firmly against us double dippers. These folks either inherited a bank, have the patented on the wheel, or invented Frosted Flakes. But for the majority of us that have rised families worked our butts off and paid our dues, we call these the "Golden Years"? But I’ve noticed that the light seems a little dimmer. Must be it’s my vision tanking. So to brighten things I’ve talked the Pro, my boss, to up grade the lights in the Golf Shop.

My part of a part-time job gets me out of the house to Rosebuds delight. Plus, I get to socialize with half the town, put a few bucks in the pocket but more important I get to improve my putting. I mean getting paid to play golf? What else could you ask for? Don’t answer that!

Today's thought, "When you are the first course, only the cannibals know what's for desert." a Wobbinism

Friday, March 23, 2007

House Rules… 3/23

Every estabishment has them., even here it’s, "Bud, wipe your feet!"
In Lost Wages, Nevada its keep your hands in sight, no electronic items at the table, and card counters will be shot at sun rise.

At our place it’s 6 simple house rules all must live by.

1.) Never take the last beer out of the refreg only if you have
a death wish.

2.) Always knock on the closed bathroom door,
I don’t want be caught with them down either do you.

3.) The kitchen is hollow grounds, you all must bow down,
all hail to the Queen.

4.) If you leave the seat up it your last visit.

5.) The TV remote belongs to the King I’ve got it and
you can’t have it. Mess with it is another
death warrant for you, that makes two.

6.) The garage is off limits. Everything in the place has its place -
except when its misplaced which is 50% of the time.

7.) There is a welcome mat that saz’ WELCOME’
and we mean it but wipe you feet.

Wait that’s 7 rules it must be brain fade time.

Today’s thought, "Anyone can win – unless there is a second entry."
Wait I used this one before, it is brain fade

Thursday, March 22, 2007

I did it. 3/22

Ever hit a bunker shot from a sand trap and have the golf ball hit the flag and drop into the cup? (no) Ever sail off the water ski jump upside down 10 times in a row then finally land right side up? (yes)

Ever try and pass college freshman composition 3 times in a row and finally get a passing grade? (yes) Ever date the wrong people till you finally stubbed your toe on the right person? (could be)

Ever wonder what in the Sam hell is wrong with you and you finally get into the Doctor’s a day before the big one? (you bet)

Ever hold your kids on your knees and look them in the eye and tell them what you really think of them? (not often enough)

Did you ever think that looking into to a mirror would scare the pajesus out of you? (daily)

There are some things in life that are priceless for others there is Mastercard… boy did we max ours out on our last trip. But you know at least I can say "I did it." which is the same first sentence one of our little grand daughters spoke last week.. she did it!

Today’s thought,
"Those that climb the highest mountain
can look down and say I did it,
those at the bottom can take pictures."

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Planning ahead – looking behind 3/21
There is a window and a very small one. The window is a time slot where 24 things must be finished within five days. There is no kidding around on this one, that’s the word from the boss, the brass, General Rosebud who told me in specific terms, "Bud,, I don’t want my home messed up for a month!" I am to get this bath remodeling done on time and it had better look like a pro did it.

Most of my other home projects have turned out like "this is the house that Jack built" something straight out of Hoosierville. In the past I just couldn’t see hiring some guy who would never show up and when he did you wish he hadn’t. So when I look behind at the trail of opps’ I’ve made, maybe it’s time to call in the REAL pros and pay the piper. But then again it’s big bucks even if they do show.
I’ve had all winter to think this one through. I’ve shopped for the fixtures (which we are waiting on) figured on which walls go where without the ceiling caving even the wall color paint. The only problem is that stuff isn’t here yet and my real spring/summer job will be starting up at the golf course. Then the week before last being with my daughter and her health problems I realized at there are some things in life that are small potatoes like remodeling a bathroom. But when you got to go, ya gota go –bye.

Today’s thought, "One way streets are always headed in the wrong direction."

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

I've got this tree in the front yard. It's been here for about 45 times longer than I've been breathing. However, it's got to come down. It's not that I want it down but it turned belly up and has been shedding branches right and left. It's going to be a bear to bring down without hitting the place. Any suggestions?

The thaw 3/20

There is a river in our driveway hill, make that a tidal wave. Last week it snowed a mess and now the mess is melting. Maybe there will be a salmon run up our drive? It’s like this about every three years and one forgets the sear joy of sliding out the roadway. There is no complaining here as we really need the water plus three week of solid rain.

The other sight worth a hoot is watching the geese fly in and land on the puddles that are on top of the frozen lakes, talk about crash landing. The other thing that comes into view after the snow melts is the yard work that wasn’t finish last fall. All that outside stuff can be put on hold till I finish "our" remodeling project inside. Maybe I can stretch the thing out till next fall.

However, something happens in May, it’s called fishing season then comes golf. Gee whiz, I've only got four weeks to get my act together. Talk to you later, ‘the Price is Right' is on and it's got other old people dressed in weird clothes holding signs about doing things to their pets.….you know this retirement thing keeps a fellow his toes, ballet anyone?

Today's thought,
"Did you ever notice how much faster
fireplace wood burns when you have to cut it and haul it yourself?"

Monday, March 19, 2007

Another Carrier 3/19

There it was right on our things to do on a San Francisco motel brochure. We had an afternoon to blow and had run out of energy hill climbing during our spring break. The small space article told about this rehab’ed Navy Carrier from WW 2 and the Korean War, the USS Hornet. (The 2nd)

The towns of Oakland and Alameda has taken over the old boat and made it into a museum honoring those that severed. My old neighbor had been one of the Hornet’s pilots so why not? We jumped in our rental car crossed the Bay Bridge and tried following the signs…
It’s a big ship, right? shouldn’t be hard to find. So were the dozen upon dozens cargo container ships lining the harbor and literally hundreds of semis helping off load the semi trailer sized containers.

The Oakland water front was a buzz with fellow truck drivers all trying to avoid squashing our small Chevy rental car. I must have taken a wrong turn and was now sweating it out lost among a maze of rolling hardware. Somehow walking the decks of an old ship and saying hi to a few of it’s friendly ghosts seemed secondary into getting out of the pickle I’d gotten us in.

I finally nosed us out of harms way and passed a nice park setting, Jack London Square. But I couldn’t see a carrier’s super structure. On we rolled along the bay front---- all the way to the Oakland-Alameda Sports Complex all the while looking for someone that could give us "proper" directions. But in the end, no boat.

We make a U-turn in a Wal-Mart parking lot and headed back to the Bay Bridge. From our north bound lane on I-580 I happened to see a southbound sign pointing to Jack London Square 'home of the USS Hornet.'

Today's thought, " Don't look over your shoulder, they are gaining on you."

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Saturday morning update.

This is the snow srorm that hit Omaha March 2nd. My source in outter space is a lttle green man with thin green things sticking out of his head. He spoke in a Irish accent and claimed he was from over there, pointing to Mars which isn't made of green cheese but red marshmellows.

Yes, I was out on the town rgetting ready for St. Patty's day, just testing the water, something was in the water. Now Iam taking it the asprins with it.

Friday, March 16, 2007

Over your head. 3/16

Jumping off the end of the dock? You are over your head. I started remodeling the bathroom… now the place is a disaster - talk about being over your head. Why to things that are shown on TV look so easy till you try it yourself. The ad agency that came up with Lowe’s "You can do, we can help." should be run over by a bulldozer.

I guess it’s called planning ahead, knowing what’s involved and having all the material and tools on hand. Then it be a good idea to have a mess of manual of ‘how to’ books as well as the yellow pages so the local sub contractors can be called in to put out the fire.

Even before I started with the idea of a small remodeling project I had called several fellows in to have a look and asked how much… gulp! ‘that much, hay?’ So I told myself…self, your time is pretty well worthless and you can mess up the house just as well as they can… So with a heavy hand and a 30 pound hammer we are off and running. I’ll keep you abreast of the number of bent nails and band-aids used.

Bob Villa has got nothing on me accept a staff of pros cleaning up after the guy.I just stopped at the library and got several self help books, "Basic Plumbing", and
"Do it yourself Internal Surgery." You never can tell for one thing leads to another.

Today’s thought, "Think before you speak
enables you to have a second thought first."
M. Twain

Thursday, March 15, 2007

The trip is over 3/15
Two weeks on the road and once again I’ve got jet lag. While unpacking my suite case of dirty clothes I realized that I over packed once again. When I will I ever learn that the kitchen sink is not required on vacation. But what if…. it snows in California? Or in Omaha it’s 95 degrees? The old Boy Scout motto is engraved on my forehead – be prepared. There were long Jon’s and sun block stuff in my travel bag – what gives?

But what came out after those in my travel bags was also nuts, almost fruit cakes. There were all those little bottles of motel shampoo and body cream. I know it ‘like’ stealing. But listen at the current room rates what a little shampoo? Can’t I be forgiven? And don’t tell me you haven’t done the same thing. I bet you even lifted one of those little coffee bags.
Fuss up, admit it, you have a problem to.

Gott’a go… and put away my new three month supply of shampoo. That’s right three months for now-a-days there isn’t much left on top for me to worry about.

As for my sunglasses? they were left on the plane.

Today’s thought, "A late flight gets later."

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

The Mixing Bowl 3/14

I pinch of this, a table spoon of that, stir with a pitch-fork, bake for two hundred years at 72 degrees serve with a white sauce then sake it up a bit and presto’ you’ve got the Golden Gate communities. The Bay area is a unique place for there is such a mixed bag of bags.

We spent last week trying to help our daughter get back her bearings health wise. At the same time we soaked in the local atmosphere that you usually miss the first time you visit an area. Instead of being "tourist" to the place we were now living among the many people who call San Francisco home. We shopped for this and that doing the legwork for our daughter rubbing elbows with the natives. Just crossing a street brings you into a completely different neighborhood culturally as well. To a small degree other metro areas have somewhat of the same thing mixed bag but not to the degree as S>F>.

But as the song goes we left our hearts in San Francisco not because of the beauty of the place nor the great people and food…but it’s where some of our family live. I use to think of the place as the photos of 1905 showed…a place ready to slip into the sea. Well, hang on, the place rocks - literally.
Today’s thought, " Fortune knocks at every man’s only once,
in most case the man is in the neighborhood saloon
and doesn’t hear her knock." M. Twain

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

The Clinic Waiting Room 3/12/07
Modern medicine has many Mecca’s places you go when things get really tough. In the Midwest there is Mayo’s in Rochester, MN., the U of I Cancer center in Indianapolis and UW Hospital Madison, and the Stanford Medical Center in Palo Alto. Even a little berg in Northern Wisconsin, Aprisus Hospital, has a great heart center. They all share one thing in common, a dedicated staff of professionals. Unfortunately, my family has spent much too much times in a few of these places.

Many of these places have diversions to get your mind off of things the serious nature of your visit. Some diversions are obvious and others you really need to look long and hard for. In visiting Rochester MN you can sit on a bar stool or drive a little north visiting Wabasha and the Mississippi River Valley, Madison Hospital is located right on Lake Mendota with a shoreline walk way. Stanford has it’s ho hum campus but there are mountain views east and west. Even Wausau’s hospital has Rib Mountain as a backdrop. As for Indy you’ll need to take a five hour bus ride to get in the right frame of mind.

All of these are offered as an alternative to parking your rear end on a hard chair in a patient wait room. Last week we did a little of both sitting and looking for a diversion. We did both and thankfuly the outcome was positive. Someone could come up with a best seller – a guide for parent/patient activities and accomodation for medical institutions around the country… a little light in a sad subject.

Today’s thought, "God doesn’t come when you want him
but he’s right on time." Tennessee Williams

Monday, March 12, 2007

Spring Vacation part 1
The friendly skies

You’re flying United, gad, you can’t be serious? Yes, the tickets read United out of Omaha to Denver (one hour lay over) then on to San Fran. We excepted our luggage to disappear or to catch up with us by July 4th. The day before was the big blizzard of ’07 that brought every car in Omaha to a sideways stand still Yes, Omaha we had driven here to see our entire family, grandkids and all… funny how people are thrown curveballs.

The storm had blasted Epply Airport and brought things to a halt. We had our fingers crossed as we called in about our flight status… a two-hour delay… not bad considering.

Our spring trip south to the gulf coast had not only been altered by mother nature but by a parent’s inner calling for our youngest was having health problems – they hadn’t made it to town so Mohammed was off to see them.

Our check in line wounded around the airport through Starbucks then across the baggage claim area through the Skyview Bar (I’ll have a double) then the food court then ladies’ restroom. It moved at a snail pace. Ten years ago I would have been pisssted but not now. The line wasn’t moving nor the planes on the ground. The snow had let up and the crews were out plowing the runways. Once finished and they changed uniforms into their flight gear and we were off to San Francisco via Denver…I mean I know the airlines were cutting costs but double duty for the flight crews?

It was another delay in Denver but we were headed west to something we hadn’t seen in a while, green grass and something more important our youngest daughter and her husband. So, I got to say it… Thanks United Airlines, sorry Dave!

Today's thought... the quickest way to cure a child's stomach-ache to to stand them by the window and watch the school bus leave.